David Sinclair’s 2024 Anti-Aging Supplement Protocol


Dr. David Sinclair, a prominent figure in longevity research, has developed an anti-aging protocol for 2024, which incorporates a range of supplements including NMN, fish oil, lipoic acid, resveratrol, metformin, spermidine, and additional components.

Just like Brain Brands, David Sinclair cares about health. You already know how mushroom coffee can benefit you, so today we’re going to talk about what Dr. David Sinclair does to stay healthy.

Dr. David Sinclair’s 2024 anti-aging regimen comprises a meticulously crafted combination of supplements. Let’s take a look at his regimen. 

David Sinclair Supplements 2024

  • Fisetin: 500 mg
  • Lipoic Acid: 300 mg
  • Fish Oil (EPA/DHA): Dose unspecified
  • L-Taurine: 2 g
  • Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN): 1 g
  • Resveratrol: 1 g
  • Spermidine: 1-2 mg
  • Vitamin D3: 4,000-5,000 IU
  • Vitamin K2: 180-360 mcg
  • Trimethylglycine (TMG): 500-1,000 mg
  • Low-Dose Aspirin: 83 mg
  • Metformin: 1 g
  • Rapamycin: Dose unspecified

These carefully selected supplements form a comprehensive protocol designed to address various aspects of the aging process as proposed by Dr. Sinclair.

Dr. David Sinclair, a distinguished Harvard scientist renowned for his work in genetics and aging, has dedicated his career to unraveling the mysteries of longevity. His bold assertion that “somebody who might make it to 150 has already been born” underscores the depth of his commitment to extending human lifespan. Beyond the confines of the laboratory, Sinclair’s dedication to his research is exemplified by his personal regimen, which incorporates a carefully curated selection of supplements and medications aimed at slowing the aging process.

While Sinclair abstains from endorsing specific brands or prescribing regimens for others, his own protocol offers valuable insights for those intrigued by the science of aging. Although previously outlined, his regimen has evolved in accordance with the latest scientific discoveries. Through rigorous experimentation, Sinclair has honed his supplement protocol, refining his pursuit of enhanced longevity.

Changes in Dr. David Sinclair’s Supplement Regimen for Longevity

Senolytics: Fisetin (500mg) and Quercetin

Dr. David Sinclair has consistently highlighted the potential longevity benefits of senolytics, which are compounds capable of eliminating senescent cells – dysfunctional cells that accumulate with age and contribute to various age-related diseases. Among these senolytics, Sinclair often references fisetin and quercetin, both potent anti-inflammatory plant-based compounds (polyphenols) that have shown promise in reducing senescent cells in preclinical studies.

However, during a research summit in 2023, Sinclair notably omitted quercetin from his supplement protocol, which surprised many observers. Rimon Lumon, a well-known metabolic researcher and host of the Wellness Messiah with Rimon YouTube channel, has offered insights into possible reasons behind Sinclair’s decision in a recent video titled “David Sinclair’s 2024 REVISED Supplement Protocol | Critical Changes.”

Lumon’s analysis of over 250 quercetin studies suggests that individuals under 60 may not require quercetin supplementation, as optimal doses can likely be obtained through dietary sources alone.

Lumon further elaborates on the potential adverse effects of excessive quercetin supplementation:

  • Inhibition of sirtuin 6: Quercetin may hinder the function of sirtuin 6, a critical protein associated with longevity, essential for DNA repair, genome stability, and metabolic regulation.
  • Inhibition of NRF-2: Excessive quercetin intake might inhibit NRF-2, a pivotal cellular defense protein responsible for initiating the antioxidant immune response.
  • Reduced glutathione levels: Quercetin supplementation could lead to a decrease in glutathione levels, which is the body’s most potent antioxidant, and its deficiency is linked to aging.

While it remains uncertain whether Sinclair continues to include quercetin in his regimen, he has confirmed his daily intake of 500 mg of fisetin with yogurt each morning. Notable effects of fisetin observed in preclinical studies include lifespan extension, improvement of cognitive function, reduction of brain inflammation, protection against kidney damage, and enhancement of muscle size and strength.


Lipoic Acid (300 mg)


Recently, Dr. David Sinclair disclosed lipoic acid as a component of his supplement protocol. Lipoic acid, known for its potent antioxidant properties and its significant role in cellular energy production, holds particular significance for Sinclair, as he conducted his Ph.D. research on this molecule.

The decision to incorporate lipoic acid into his regimen was influenced by a conversation Sinclair had with relatives of Dr. Denham Harman, considered the Father of The Free Radical Theory of Aging. Dr. Harman, who remained active until the age of 92 and lived to 98, attributed his longevity to lipoic acid, according to his relatives.

While Sinclair has not disclosed the specific dosage he takes, the standard dosage for lipoic acid typically ranges from 300 mg to be taken one to two times a day, preferably on an empty stomach. This addition to his regimen underscores Sinclair’s commitment to exploring avenues for promoting longevity and overall health.

Fish Oil

In a notable departure from his previous regimen, Dr. David Sinclair announced in 2023 his incorporation of fish oil supplements into his anti-aging protocol. This addition marks a significant update, as fish oil supplements were not included in his widely acclaimed book “Lifespan,” where he originally disclosed the majority of his longevity regimen.

The potency of fish oil supplements lies in their rich content of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These compounds are renowned for their cognitive-enhancing (nootropic) properties and their capacity to mitigate inflammation, a pivotal hallmark of aging. Notably, studies have shown that increased levels of DHA can slow cognitive decline, particularly in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, underscoring the remarkable cognitive benefits of omega-3 fatty acids.

While Sinclair has not specified his exact dosage of fish oil, several longevity experts and physicians, including Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia, have indicated their intake of approximately 2 g of EPA and around 1.5 g of DHA. This dosage recommendation further underscores the recognition of fish oil supplements as a valuable addition to comprehensive anti-aging strategies.

L-Taurine (AA) – 2g

Dr. David Sinclair has recently integrated L-taurine into his longevity protocol, highlighting its emergence as a notable addition. L-taurine, an amino acid naturally present in the body, has garnered attention for its diverse benefits, including extending the lifespan of mice by approximately 10-12% and enhancing cardiovascular health. Its significant contribution to longevity primarily stems from its capacity to combat oxidative stress and promote mitochondrial health, both crucial factors in the process of healthy aging.

However, Sinclair has expressed some uncertainty regarding the effects of taurine, particularly in relation to its impact on the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. While some studies suggest that taurine may activate mTOR, a pathway associated with aging acceleration when overactivated, others demonstrate its positive effects on longevity despite this activation. Sinclair’s remarks reflect his ongoing inquiry into the complex interplay between taurine supplementation and aging mechanisms.

At present, Sinclair continues to incorporate 2 g of taurine into his daily regimen. However, it remains unclear whether he will reassess his taurine supplementation in the future, given the complexities surrounding its effects on aging pathways.

Supplements Dr. David Sinclair Still Takes

NMN – 1g

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) stands as a cornerstone of Dr. David Sinclair’s regimen, representing a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a crucial molecule involved in cellular energy production, DNA repair, and the regulation of aging pathways. Given the natural decline of NAD+ levels observed with aging, NMN supplementation offers a promising avenue for restoring cellular health and function. Its ability to address this decline has generated significant enthusiasm within the realms of anti-aging and wellness, positioning NMN at the forefront of Sinclair’s approach to promoting longevity and overall health.

Some of the notable effects of NMN observed in both humans and preclinical models include:

  • Better sleep and physical performance in older adults: NMN supplementation has been associated with improvements in sleep quality and physical performance among older adults, potentially enhancing overall well-being and vitality.
  • Enhanced muscle function in aged men: Studies have shown that NMN supplementation may lead to improved muscle function and strength in aging men, contributing to better mobility and physical resilience.
  • Reduced skin aging and improved sugar and cholesterol metabolism in older women: NMN has been linked to reductions in skin aging markers and improvements in sugar and cholesterol metabolism among older women, suggesting potential benefits for both skin health and metabolic function.
  • Better insulin sensitivity in aged, prediabetic women: NMN supplementation has demonstrated the ability to improve insulin sensitivity in aging women with prediabetes, which could help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and related complications.
  • Weight loss, cholesterol reduction, and blood pressure improvement in overweight adults: NMN supplementation has been associated with reductions in body weight, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure among overweight adults, indicating potential benefits for cardiovascular health and weight management.
  • Protection against heart failure and improvement in cognitive deficits in mice modeling Alzheimer’s: Preclinical studies in mice have shown that NMN supplementation can protect against heart failure and improve cognitive deficits associated with Alzheimer’s disease, suggesting potential neuroprotective and cardioprotective effects.

Overall, NMN appears to offer a range of promising health benefits across various age groups and health conditions, making it a subject of significant interest in both scientific research and clinical practice.

Resveratrol – 1g

Every morning, Dr. Sinclair incorporates 1 g of resveratrol into his routine, typically consumed with coconut yogurt. Resveratrol, a plant-based polyphenol abundant in wine, blueberries, and peanuts, is renowned for its ability to mitigate oxidative stress and combat “inflammaging,” a term coined by scientists to describe the contribution of inflammation to the progression of multiple age-related ailments. Moreover, resveratrol serves as a potent activator of sirtuins, a family of guardian proteins that play a crucial role in safeguarding our genetic material (DNA) and promoting mitochondrial health. This comprehensive range of benefits underscores resveratrol’s significance in Dr. Sinclair’s anti-aging regimen.

In preclinical studies, resveratrol has demonstrated several noteworthy impacts, including:

  • Delaying heart and skeletal muscle aging: Resveratrol supplementation has shown promise in delaying the aging process of both the heart and skeletal muscles, potentially enhancing cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health.
  • Protecting against age-related memory decline and motor dysfunction: Resveratrol has been found to offer protection against age-related decline in memory function and motor skills, suggesting potential benefits for cognitive health and mobility in aging individuals.
  • Boosting cognition: Studies have indicated that resveratrol supplementation may enhance cognitive function, including memory, learning, and overall mental acuity, highlighting its potential as a cognitive enhancer.
  • Delaying ovarian aging: Resveratrol supplementation has been associated with delayed ovarian aging in preclinical models, suggesting potential benefits for female reproductive health and fertility with aging.

These findings underscore the diverse range of potential benefits offered by resveratrol in mitigating age-related decline and promoting overall health and well-being. Further research is needed to fully elucidate its mechanisms of action and potential applications in clinical settings.

Spermidine – 1-2 mg

Next on Dr. Sinclair’s longevity regimen is spermidine, a naturally occurring compound predominantly found in wheat germ, mushrooms, green peas, and broccoli. Spermidine has garnered significant attention due to its capacity to activate autophagy, the body’s natural process of removing damaged cells to facilitate repair and rejuvenation.

Beyond its role in promoting cellular renewal, spermidine has demonstrated notable effects in various preclinical models. Studies have shown that supplementation with spermidine can extend the median lifespan of mice and worms. Additionally, spermidine exhibits protective effects on the heart and has shown promise in mitigating age-associated diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration in certain animal models.

The accumulating evidence suggests that spermidine may hold significant potential for improving healthspan and promoting longevity. Further research is needed to elucidate its mechanisms of action and evaluate its potential applications in human health and aging.

Vitamins D3 (4,000 to 5,000 IU) and K2 ( 180-360 mcg)

It’s unsurprising that Dr. Sinclair’s protocol incorporates both vitamin D3 and vitamin K2, given their pivotal roles in aging and their status as vital nutrients essential for overall health. Vitamin D is crucial for maintaining bone health and supporting immune function, while vitamin K2 plays a key role in maintaining bone density and promoting cardiovascular health. Together, these vitamins synergistically contribute to promoting skeletal strength and cardiovascular resilience, which are integral components in combating age-related decline.

Trimethylglycine (TMG) – 500 to 1,000mg

The final supplement in Dr. Sinclair’s anti-aging regimen is 500 mg/day of TMG (Trimethylglycine), a compound naturally synthesized by the body and also found in beetroot. Sinclair incorporates TMG as a precautionary measure alongside his NMN supplementation.

Upon NMN supplementation, elevated levels of nicotinamide are observed in the body. As a consequence, nicotinamide is excreted through the kidneys, but with methyl groups attached to it. These methyl groups play a vital role in numerous biological processes, including DNA methylation, which regulates the activation and deactivation of genes.

Sinclair emphasizes, “I don’t see any downside. It’s not an expensive molecule, and the upside is that I’m preventing my body from being drained of methyl groups.” This proactive approach aims to ensure the preservation of methyl group availability, which is crucial for sustaining various biological functions and potentially supports overall health and longevity.

Drugs Dr. David Sinclair Still Takes

Low-Dose Aspirin – 83 mg

Despite conflicting evidence regarding its cardiovascular benefits, Dr. Sinclair maintains the inclusion of low-dose aspirin (83 mg/day) in his regimen. He cites its potential to reduce the risk of cancer as a primary reason for its continued use.

Metformin – 1 g

In an interview, Dr. Sinclair explains that he takes 1 g of metformin for two primary reasons:

  • Disease prevention: Given his family history of diabetes, Sinclair recognizes metformin’s effectiveness in treating and even preventing diabetes. As a precautionary measure against this disease, he incorporates metformin into his regimen.
  • Health optimization: Sinclair points to extensive research indicating that metformin offers benefits beyond diabetes management. Studies conducted in both animals and tens of thousands of people in clinical trials suggest that metformin can enhance and mimic the benefits of fasting, contributing to overall health optimization.

These dual reasons underscore Sinclair’s rationale for including metformin in his anti-aging regimen, reflecting his commitment to both disease prevention and health promotion.

In animal studies, metformin has demonstrated several positive effects, including:

  1. Restoration of muscle and reduction of fat: Metformin has shown the ability to restore muscle mass while decreasing fat accumulation in animal models, contributing to improved body composition.
  2. Prevention of tendon degradation: Metformin has been observed to prevent the degradation of tendons, which are crucial connective tissues between muscles and bones. This protective effect suggests potential benefits for musculoskeletal health and injury prevention.
  3. Limitation of organ deterioration: Animal studies have indicated that metformin may limit the deterioration of various organs over time, potentially preserving organ function and contributing to overall healthspan.

These findings highlight the multifaceted effects of metformin beyond its primary role in diabetes management, suggesting its potential as a therapeutic agent for promoting overall health and longevity.

Rapamycin – Dose Unknown

The final known longevity drug in Dr. Sinclair’s protocol is rapamycin, a compound that has garnered significant attention from scientists for its potential anti-aging effects. Originally discovered within a volcano on Easter Island (also known as Rapa Nui), rapamycin is renowned for its ability to mimic the effects of caloric restriction, a well-established method shown to increase the lifespan of various model organisms.

Researchers believe that rapamycin exerts its effects by inhibiting mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) and activating autophagy, both of which are recognized pathways associated with prolonging lifespan in animals. However, scientists caution that if rapamycin is taken prematurely, it may interfere with growth and development, highlighting a potential trade-off between its longevity benefits and its effects on early-life developmental processes.

While the exact dose of rapamycin in Dr. Sinclair’s protocol remains unknown, during an interview with longevity entrepreneur Dr. Peter Diamandis, Diamandis mentioned that he personally takes 6 mg of rapamycin once a week. This dosage provides insight into the approach some individuals within the longevity community may take regarding rapamycin supplementation.

A Personal Blueprint for Longevity

Dr. David Sinclair’s anti-aging regimen for 2024 underscores his unwavering commitment to longevity science, showcasing thoughtful updates informed by the latest research findings. His personalized approach to supplementation, ranging from senolytics to antioxidants, exemplifies the potential of scientific interventions in combating aging.

However, Sinclair’s regimen also emphasizes the importance of customization and seeking professional advice when adopting such strategies. His evolving protocol not only serves to enhance his own healthspan but also provides guidance for individuals seeking a science-based approach to healthy aging. As longevity research continues to advance, Sinclair’s adaptable strategy offers a valuable blueprint for informed health optimization in the pursuit of a longer and healthier life.

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